Customer Rules
  • No harassment of Staff/Vendors.
  • No false reports of Vendor/Listings.
  • No attempted impersonation of vendors or staff.
  • No Phishing attempts.
  • No business to or from Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.
  • No sale of information on businesses or individuals from Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.
  • No sharing of personal / sensitive information (DOXXING). Note: Tracking numbers are sensitive information.
  • You must not try to circumvent any restrictions that may be placed on your account.
  • Use common sense.
Vendor Rules
  • No advertising of external contact information anywhere on market (including PM's). Notable exceptions: Detailed product descriptions, spec sheets, harm reduction resources may be allowed with explicit approval from staff. If unsure contact us.
  • No attempt to list any item from the Prohibited Items list.
  • No attempt to scam any buyer or individual.
  • You must use accurate descriptions of all listed products at ALL times.
  • You must always ensure your customer receives EXACTLY what they order.
  • You must handle all business professionally at all times.
  • No business to or from Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.
  • No sale of information on businesses or individuals from Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.
  • No Doxing of customers or exposing a customers personal information. Note: Tracking numbers are sensitive information.
  • Always use the Shipping From Country as advertised in your listing.
  • No off market deals.
  • Do not abuse keywords feature, if your listing is for "cocaine" do not add "weed" to keywords.
  • You must not ask customers to Finalize Early (FE) without having FE privileges.
  • You must not try to circumvent any restrictions that may be placed on your account.
  • Use common sense.

Any rule violation will be handled on case by case basis and may result in a warning, a fine or a permanent ban.

Prohibited Items List
  • Weapons. Self defense equipment like body armor is however allowed, if unsure contact staff.
  • Fentanyl (or RC Analogues of such).
  • Poisons/Chemicals that can be used to harm another living organism.
  • Pornography of any kind. Porn accounts with major sites are allowed.
  • Stolen Data involving Law Enforcement or any Government Organization.
  • Stolen Data involving Schools, Hospitals, or similar.
  • Tutorials, guides, methods.
  • Transfers.
  • "Get rich quick" schemes, signals.
Global Rules

You are prohibited from exchanging off-market contact information between Buyer and Vendor. We have strict measures in place, which may involve the market doing test correspondence with vendors. If you are found to be breaking this rule, your account may be banned or may incur a penalty.